The NF-G Challenge
A legend reinterpreted as NFT.

Five of the best NFT artists in the world and in the middle: a living legend. That is the quintessence of the NF-G Challenge by the young artist collective "ART2PEOPLE".
Their timeless muse?
The G-Class.
Five NFT artists and
the G-Class.
For their latest project, five of the most up-and-coming digital artists interpret the Mercedes-Benz design icon in a completely new and exciting way.

Digital Art World.
Only a few years ago, Can-Florian Ahegger was simply an enthusiastic art collector. However, his heart always beat less for the Rembrandts, Hirsts or Richters in elite museums and exhibitions. He was more fascinated by the digital art world. He began creative discussions with the artists behind the works and delved deeper and deeper into the digital art community.
“That inspired me so much that I said: I want to realise joint projects with artists of my choice,” he recalls of the birth of the artist collective “ART2PEOPLE”. Today, the self-proclaimed “Crypto Artist Collective” unites fifteen renowned digital artists from all over the world - and quite a few of their artworks have already been auctioned off for several hundred thousand dollars in recent months. What unites them all? The passion to express their creativity in the form of digital art as part of the NFT community.”

That's what NFT means.
Crypto images, pixelated punks, and bored apes: These are all forms of NFTs, non-fungible tokens, which are digitally protected unique objects based on blockchain technology. NFTs are purely immaterial collectibles or goods that are paid for with cryptocurrency or credit card. They are unique, forgery-proof and can neither be multiplied nor destroyed.
Design icon
as NFT.
For his latest project, Can-Florian has selected five artists for “ART2PEOPLE” to dedicate themselves to a legend that at first glance is irrevocably linked to the physical world: the Mercedes-Benz G-Class. The challenge for the artists? To personally reinterpret the iconic off-roader in the form of unique NFTs.

For Can-Florian, the project is a long-cherished dream come true: “I've been a fan of the G-Class since I was a very young. I am particularly fascinated by the timeless design. For me, it is an absolute legend”, he enthuses.
Five facets.
“It is exactly this mix that makes the project so interesting, because each of them has a completely different background – and therefore implements a totally distinct artistic interpretation of the G-Class”, says Can-Florian, who was supported by Marco Mori in realising the NF-G Challenge.

Diversity without limits.
The artists of the NF-G Challenge are characterised by their enormous artistic diversity and many years of experience in the digital world. There is Antoni Tudisco from Hamburg, who has stirred the virtual art world with imaginative 3D animations and has already collaborated with some well-known names in the music and fashion industries.
The head of the collective is certain: the result will delight fans of digital art as well as fans of the G-Class. Can-Florian finds it hard to hide his own enthusiasm for the impressive NFT works that have been created: “In the end, as expected, the five artworks turned out totally different. The interpretations of the different artists are unique in expression and aesthetics – each work shows a very unique concept of how the G-Class was staged as a focal element. And they have all managed to depict the G-Class’ iconic status in their artworks and translate it into the language of the digital art world.”
Albanian Vasjen "Baugasm" Katro, who, after many ground-breaking poster designs, is mixing up the NF-G Challenge with one of his 3D animations. His compatriot and NFT artist Klarens Malluta even created a Mercedes-Benz butterfly in his animation, which can be seen in his NF-G. Contrastingly, Charlotte Taylor has emerged as a digital artist from the fields of real estate and interior design. She is now entering fresh spheres of interior design for this reinterpretation of the G-Class by transforming distinctive elements of the vehicle into luxurious home accessories. Lastly, Frenchman Roger Kilimanjaro uses his distinctive 3D motion design aesthetic to depict the character traits of the G-Class in a digital loop image with his concept: “Unstoppable through any terrain”.